2019-04-09 06:20:26

2019-04-09 06:20:26

Photo Caption: Amazing how a plant will sit dormant for months, and then “Pop” it comes to life with the warm, loving rays of the sun. ☀️

I’m so grateful and in awe of how life unfolds, completely in its own time, effortless in Flow. All we have to do is trust and be open to receive. 💕✨

And even then, we don’t have to “do” anything. 💯
#feedyoursoul #liveonpurpose #spiritualawakening #souljourney #faith #eternalelixir #morningritual #permaculture #plantbased #evolutionarydiet #getwildfit #foodasmedicine #eattherainbow #changemakers #youarelight #rainbowlight #walkinbeauty #createyourownreality #findyourhive #rainbowlightofrenewal #alchemist #ancestraldiet #divinemother #abundance #possibilityspace #liveyourmagic #ancestralhealing #wildfit

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