2018-11-12 15:22:15

2018-11-12 15:22:15

Caption: “We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave, to embrace the strength within themselves and realize their full potential.” — Malala Yousafzai, July 12, 2013 Addressing the United Nations Youth Assembly on Malala Day, her 16th birthday •

#feedyoursoul #findyourself #soulseeker #soulsearching #lifecoachforwomen #liveonpurpose #spiritualjourney #womenwhoinspire #findyourstrength #findyourtruth #findyourtribe #inspirationalquotes #flowforchangemakers #rhythmflowsistercircle #desiremap #shamanism #womenliftingwomen #strongisbeautiful #morningritual #coredesiredfeelings #servelove #changemakers #daniellelaporte #freeandclear #desiremapping #goalswithsoul
#youarelight #divineclarity #womeninspiringwomen #malalayousafzai

Photo taken at: Matagalpa, Matagalpa

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