2018-10-25 13:34:15

2018-10-25 13:34:15

Caption: Soul Sisters Heads Up! I’m opening my cart to upcoming US workshops, online workshops and Oooh! The bi-annual Sister Hive Mastermind. To have the biggest impact in reach and set the schedule for December I really need YOUR HELP.
If you’d like partner in my launch, please DM me, I’m offering event seats and/or 1:1 coaching for those that bring paid referrals.
Marketing is not my genius zone. Healing is where I’m at. So, this is me asking for help. If you love what I’m doing and want to help the Changemakers, Visionaries, and World Leaders to keep from burnout, let’s partner to spread the good word.
Thank you so much! I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming workshop or giving you some 1:1 coaching.
Walk in beauty.

#feedyoursoul #findyourself #soulseeker #lifecoachforwomen #findyourwhy #liveonpurpose #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #womenwhoinspire #findyourstrength #flowforchangemakers #rhythmflowsistercircle #rhythmflowmastermind #desiremap #shamanism #womenliftingwomen #morningritual #mastermind #coredesiredfeelings #servelove #changemakers #daniellelaporte #freeandclear #clarity #desiremapping #goalswithsoul
#youarelight #rainbowlight #divineclarity #influencerswanted

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