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June 23 Farmers’ Bill of Rights Meeting Featuring California Guild President Bob McFarland

Press Release

June 18, 2014


Contact Bob McFarland at 916-454-5805 or


Petaluma Community Guild to Host Farmers’ Bill of Rights Meeting


Petaluma, CA – Farmers, food producers, advocates, activists, consumers and everyone who eats is encouraged to attend a Farmers’ Bill of Rights meeting featuring California Guild President Bob McFarland, at Lydia’s Sunflower Center, 1435 N. McDowell Blvd, Ste. 100 in Petaluma, on Monday, June 23 at 7pm.


Since 2012, the California Guild has held a series of meetings across the state to discuss a declaration of a Farmers’ Bill of Rights that would recognize the essential role which farmers will play in creating a resilient & sustainable local food and agricultural system. According to McFarland, “It is important that consumers, retailers, and regulators understand and respect the needs and expectations of the people who grow our food. The Farmers’ Bill of Rights will promote awareness and appreciation for the tillers of the soil.”


This ongoing public discussion has yielded a growing list of common concerns among farmers, including:


Join us as we cultivate a sustainable community with universal access to healthy food, promote reinvestment in our local economies, embrace our diverse cultural heritage, honor the wisdom of our elders, and support each other in our efforts to be responsible stewards of the land for the benefit of future generations.

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