Ixchel Lunar

2019-01-23 14:39:52

2019-01-23 14:39:52

Caption: Open yourself to the divine feminine energy of Pachamama. Fall in Love with her again. Merging into Oneness challenges the ego. Can you allow yourself to feel the heart beat of the Earth, her rhythm and flow?

The beat carries all the creativity, all the joy, all the pain of destruction that is happening to Her. Can your Soul sit with that, calming the ego into surrender? •
At the root of your longing is a desire to be One. Being all of it, the joy and the pain, deepens your connection to Her, to become protector or to continue protecting Her. This is how some of our ancestors survived and thrived, a way of being that is essential to our continued evolution. •
We cannot advance, create sustainable innovation or solve the destructive ways of living while we are disconnected. Our joy and pain combine into fierce Love that provides the resilience we need for this time. •
In our Sister Hives we explore reconnecting and renewing our Rainbow Light through the ancestral diet, patterns of addiction, Flow states, re-Earthing through weaving the green thread and daily practices of Kundalini Yoga.

These rituals can prepare you for a sacred plant journey while being your container to explore the journey when you return. •
Walk in beauty. Live your magic.
Follow this amazing photographer. You will fall in love with the wonder seen. Repost @mogenstrolle

OM / The red-shanked douc…
#feedyoursoul #findyourself #soulseeker #lifecoachforwomen #findyourwhy #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #findyourstrength #findyourtruth #findyourtribe #flowforchangemakers #shamanism #servelove #changemakers #youarelight #rainbowlight #walkinbeauty #findyourhive #createyourownreality #fifthdimension #thirdeye #awakening #ascending #kundalini #koyopa #lawofattraction #higherfrequency #rainbowlightofrenewal #kundaliniyoga #zenmonkey

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