Ixchel Lunar

2019-01-13 08:15:10

2019-01-13 08:15:10

Caption: Do you look up and gaze at the stars, wondering where you came from?

My first love is the Cosmos. I almost went into Astrophysics in college. I took all the Astronomy I could at SRJC. I was a TA, training students how to use telescopes, even to take astrophotography photos with them. I loved it. That summer of 1992 watching comet Shoemaker-Levy hit Jupiter was phenomenal.

But given the immense difficulty of women having success in Astrophysics, and even less success for women of color and single mothers, I decided to study women in science and religion instead.

Metaphysics was the higher calling. Dancing through the Astral realms, drinking the sweet honey milk of our galaxy’s heart, kissing newborn stars, making love the rhythm of the pulsating quasars. That’s my jam.
📷 unknown… possibly @the.shift.network
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