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2018-04-05 16:36:01

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Caption: Quick reminder that there is only one day left to buy the WildFit 90 Day Challenge Video Program at 50% off! That’s a savings of $500 off our regular price!

Remember, you can buy it now and start on any Monday that you want. Easy, flexible, and you get to determine when you’re ready to start (don’t wait too long though, a great life is waiting for you!). Our January WildFit 90-Day Challenge clients are graduating this week into Living WildFit, being inspired by and celebrating each other as they shift their experience of food and transform how they fuel their bodies. 
Just some of the wins from our January Cohort as they enter Week 13:
* One client lost 15 pounds so far, is off her postpartum depression meds, the anxiety she had for her food decisions is gone. She’s experiencing moments of self-love she hasn’t had in a long time.
* Another client is feeling more fit and strong to manage life’s stresses, has great, balanced energy, and doesn’t think twice about sugar.
* Another client no longer needs her allergy medications, hasn’t gotten sick while working in a hospital during flu season, cooks more for herself than ever before, and dropped to 20% body fat, feeling as fit and lean as when she was rowing in college.

The WildFit program has changed the lives of so many and we continue to gather amazing stories of transformation. READ THEM In WildFit Link in Bio (including mine). LIMITED TIME OFFER ENDS FRIDAY!
Buy the WildFit 90 Self-Study Video Program today and
SAVE 50%!
Our regular price: $1000 You pay only: $500 (or 3 monthly payments of $200). Offer ends on April 6th, 2018 at 11:59pm EST

When you buy now, you’ll get lifetime access to the entire 90 day program, along with videos, recipes, food guidelines, downloadable resources and more! Plus you also get my wildly popular Grow Your Green Smoothie Permaculture Course, a $500 value!

Don’t let another day go by simply “thinking” about making a change. Take action now and you’ll be on your way to resetting your relationship with food and living your best life.

P.S. If you feel like you need a hand, I included three 30 minute coaching calls❤

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